Ovarian Cysts

I made a children’s book describing ovulation and ovarian cysts. Because it’s my art piece, it is a little more simplified than my report. I tried to show what the ovaries look like before and after the growth of cysts and how they can affect people. STEAM A&P2


What I was going for here was a person opening up a door to their intestines, where you can see that they have a (scotch) tapeworm in their duodenum. Tapeworms are segmented, which is represented by the visible turns in the worm following along the intestine. Tapeworms are a parasite …


I made a model of the lungs in order to demonstrate one of the ways in which one could develop a pneumothorax. A pneumothorax is a condition that develops when air gets inside of the pleural space. This can occur from air escaping the lungs or air entering the the …

The Cost of PCOS

This project aims to give basic information about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This includes the causes, symptoms, treatment, how it forms in the body, and some circumstances if this won’t be treated right away. The researcher’s main goal is to have a deeper understanding about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, that might …