The objective of my STEAM project is state the location of various tissues in the body and know the structure of the knee joint and compare this joint to five other joint types. I have decided to discuss a process known as odontogenesis. Odontogenesis is the mechanism by which teeth …
My STEAM project objective is on the four cells that are involved in bone density. I focused on how bone density is compromised in a person who is an avid smoker. This is personal to me because I am a child of a parent who has been smoking most of …
Christa Gary 11/18/23 BIOL F111X Effects of Anxiety on the Nervous System Anxiety is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people each year. Clinical studies have been conducted resulting in anxiety disorders compromising the quality of life and psychosocial functioning. (AJP, 2000). When a person is experiencing …
Depression fractures occur when there is a high-impact trauma to the head in a small surface area. The bone fragments left will be depressed or below the normal surface area of the skull. The fracture is a dent in the head without opening in the skin or the skin is …
My art piece is on patellar dislocations and covers the structure of the knee joint that wediscussed in unit 4. When we learned about synovial joints in class, I was interested to learnmore about how the damage from a patellar dislocation affects the joint cavity. I baked a cakeand designed …
For my project, I crocheted a neuron with neurofibrillary tangles. Below is a picture of my project as well as my written statement. Introduction: For this project, I will be talking about Alzheimer’s and relating the information to the objective “Identify the various components and key structures of the nervous …