Pediatric Stroke- Sometimes a stumble can’t be brushed off: Cynthia Bridgers’ 2k23 STEAM Project

STEAM Project: Pediatric Stroke  My topic of interest for this project was focused on the key objective of knowing the pathway in which the blood flows throughout the heart and the remaining circulatory system particularly that which deals with the brain.  As can be seen, in my comic/symptoms poster an …


Holoprosencephaly This project is about the complex brain malformation called holoprosencephaly. The objectives covered are “Cleavage, Blastocyst Formation, Implantation, Placental Formation, Gastrulation, Organogenesis, and Birth” and “Describe the major steps of fetal development”. Holoprosencephaly is caused by incomplete cleavage during development. Cleavage is the division of cells during development. Between …

Effects of Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) on the Respiratory System

The objective of this STEAM project is analyzing the effects of disease (condition) on function and structure of the respiratory system. For the art side of the project, I created a candy respiratory system. Meet Christian Trey Davis born on February 1st, 2019, in a hospital in Anchorage, Alaska. As …