“Just Breathe” – STEAM (King)

My STEAM project focuses on allergy-induced asthma, its symptoms, and how it is developed.  Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition triggered by many environmental elements as well as physical and mental stress.  It is a widespread condition that over 300 million people worldwide.  When asthma is triggered by something like …

Various White Blood Cells, and Their Function

My project is about the five different white blood cells within our body, and their individual functions. The 5 different types of WBC’s are: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes and Monocytes. The project that I created shows us their function within the body. STEAM Project STEAM Project 2

Bronchial Tree

For this project I did a little digital comic/panel that explains parts of the lower respiratory system, specifically the bronchi and the trachea. It’s a short, simple explanation with comparing the trachea and bronchi to a tree in order to better grasp on how to identify them. I got inspiration …

Addison’s Disease

Comic Strip on Addison’s Disease, the affect it has on the endocrine system, signs/symptoms, and treatments. Steam Project Abstract By: William Jarman I was excited and overwhelmed for this semester’s STEAM project for a variety of reasons. Many of the units covered in the second part of the two semester, …