VO₂ Max Values of Endurance Sports and the Factors Affecting Measurements

For my STEAM project, I researched which endurence sport had the greatest maximal oxygen uptake, or VO₂ Max value, and the factors that affect these measurements. For the accompaning art piece, I drew the heart in lungs, with the viens and arties in gold to demonstrate the interconnectedness of the …

Lymphatic System/Immune System Comic

For my project, I drew a silly little comic attempting to illustrate the lymphatics system’s function of filtering wastes, toxins, and other unwanted substances from the body’s fluids.  This is very important because the lymphatic system correlates to our immune system greatly, and plays a key role in the immune …

Hormonal Intrauterine Devices (IUD) Functionality and Mechanisms

For my project, I used paints to draw a uterus that visually compares the effects of a hormonal IUD. The painting shows half of the uterus with an IUD and the other half without and the subtle physical changes that go along with this type of hormonal birth control. Because …