HPA-Axis: Effects of Stress

The HPA-axis (Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis) is the neuroendocrine system that responds to stressors. Stress can introduce profound physiological implications that are acute as well as chronic. From an evolutionary perspective, a stress response is crucial for survival in harsh conditions to guarantee the passing on of genes during reproduction. The HPA-axis …

Thermoregulation of Emperor Penguins and African Elephants – Sarah Dempsey and Heather Buchan, Animal Physiology F310

This STEAM project compares behavioral and physiological thermoregulation strategies of animals, specifically focusing on that of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) and African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Thermoregulation incorporates all phenomena, both behavioral and physiological, by which an organism maintains its body temperature within certain boundaries. This is a dynamic, homeostatic interaction …

The Importance of Thyroids in Vertebrates: Assessing Thyroid Goiters

In my Bio 310 steam project, I wanted to further research the role the thyroid plays in different vertebrates. I started my project with further researching the role of the thyroid in different organisms, with the intention to solidify material covered within class. Once this was completed and I knew …

Comic on Fruit Bat Geophagy: “Dave Eats Dirt?!”

Cassie Erdman used the medium of drawing and coloring a comic strip, showcasing the information she found about Geophagic behaviors in Indian short-nosed fruit bats. She was inspired by the learning objective “describe common nutrient deficiencies and their associated diseases.” She took “describe common nutrient deficiencies” part of this learning …

Down Syndrome

Cassidy Dolan Human Anatomy & Physiology II F112 Professor Larsen 4/10/2022 Down Syndrome My Steam project is based on the objective “Explain common disorders during pregnancy and their cause”. The project is specifically on the birth defect/disorder called Down Syndrome. Down syndrome is “one of the most leading causes of …