The Structure and Function of the Heart

This STEAM project focuses on the objective ‘explain the structure and function of the heart’ and to accompany the written assignment, I composed the above sketch. The art piece shows an illustration of the heart detailing the movement of electrical stimulus through the heart causing the contraction of heart muscle; …

Thermoregulation of Emperor Penguins and African Elephants – Sarah Dempsey and Heather Buchan, Animal Physiology F310

This STEAM project compares behavioral and physiological thermoregulation strategies of animals, specifically focusing on that of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) and African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Thermoregulation incorporates all phenomena, both behavioral and physiological, by which an organism maintains its body temperature within certain boundaries. This is a dynamic, homeostatic interaction …


Prosopagnosia, also known as ‘face blindness’ refers to the neurological condition in which those affected suffer a severe deficit in recognising familiar people from their face and rely on voices or distinct features such as hairstyle or clothing to recognise people. Alongside the inability to recognise faces, many people also …