Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
Deciding to undergo surgery is a very big, life-altering, decision. A very common procedure is vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Sounds complicated, but is the simpler surgery to get. This surgery is also known as a gastric sleeve. With this surgery, a doctor will remove about eighty percent of the stomach and …
Cardiac Conduction System – A Booklet
For this STEAM project, I decided to cover the topic “Explain how the heart translates an electrical signal to a contraction” (#39). By doing so, I created a booklet designed to interpret ECG’s (Electrocardiogram) for various rhythms that the heart can transmit. In each rhythm, and by understanding basic ECG …
“Feeling Emphysema”
David Inman Man on a Mountain with no oxygen. Depicting the struggle of breathing with COPD: Emphysema.
Sophia Ruppert – Structure of trachea and gaseous exchange that occurs.
For my steam project I decided to do a model of the trachea and the gas exchange that occurs within the trachea as well. The objective was to highlight the importance of the trachea and its structure while also highlighting the role of gaseous exchange of both oxygen and carbon …
Tracts and Ladders
For this assignment I focused on the Unit 4 objective: compare and contrast different mammalian digestive systems. This project uses a classic game known as “Chutes and Ladders” to demonstrate the differences in the human digestive tract versus the cow digestive tract. The chutes are replaced with “tracts” to remake …
Vaginal Tearing (Perineal Lacerations) During Childbirth
For my Steam Project of 2023 my objective is to explain the stages of labor/childbirth and go further into it. Labor has three stages which are the dilation stage, the expulsion stage, and the placental stage. During the dilation stage, the cervix dilates slowly until 10 centimeters which is when …
Pregnancy and Ectopic Pregnancy
For this semester’s STEAM project, I wanted to talk about pregnancy and ectopic pregnancies. We start with the uterus. Within the uterus, there is the cervix which is the canal between the uterus and the vagina. There is the fallopian tube which is the tube that the egg travels through …
Mechanoreception in Fishes
For my project I focused on how mechanoreception works in fishes and what organs and systems are used. The top picture show a fish with its cephalic sensory canals surrounding the head and connecting to the lateral line. This is the general morphology for most fishes with some variation depending …