Molecular Structure of Water and its Properties

Water is a polar molecule that consists of one oxygen molecule and two hydrogen molecules. From this polar molecular structure water forms hydrogen bonds that play a part in all of water’s material properties. These properties include cohesion, surface tension, high specific heat, low density as a solid, and acting …

Brochure of Neuromuscular Junction Excitations in relation to Airport Functions

Inside Brochure Outside Brochure ^^Images for my project can be found here. There are many intricacies we do not think about when contracting a muscle. Firing a muscle is not just a thought, it takes place through many steps. In relation to how complex activating a muscle is, is similar …

Replica of herniated intervertebral disc and vertebrae

STEAM Project For my STEAM project, I decided to replicate 3 vertebrae of the lumbar spine and two intervertebral discs. One of the discs is healthy, but the other is ruptured. I created these replicas out of Play-Doh. My goal for this project is to explain what a herniated disc …

Sensory Overload

There are 6 main senses, each with a variety of sub-modalities that get filtered by your thalamus. If your thalamus is not working properly you will get sensory overload as it allows too much sensors into your cortex. This is commonly found in people with ADHD, Autism, people with brain trauma and more.

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Chromosomal Mutations: Errors in Meiosis

    Triple X syndrome is a rare genetic condition caused by mutations in the number of sex chromosomes. Specifically, women with triple X syndrome have three X chromosomes, rather than two. Such mutation arises from errors in meiosis. In prophase I, the homologous chromosomes fail to divide, initiating a …