Beauty, Skin Deep.

My art portrays a third-degree facial burn created with special effects makeup showing the phases of skin tissue regeneration. The first two pictures depict the hemostasis and inflammation phases. The other two pictures are my interpretation of what the proliferation and scaring tissue formation phases would look like towards the …

Exercise Induced Rhabdomyolysis

My steam project is on exercise induced Rhabdomyolysis (exRML). Rhabdomyolysis is the rapid break down of skeletal muscle tissue due to mechanical, physical, or chemical traumatic injuries. From a cellular level, exRML is caused by an unchecked increase of sarcoplasm Ca2+ levels coupled with a significant depletion of Adenosine Triphosphate. …

Breathing to self-calm

Breathing is a function of the autonomic nervous system however research shows that mindful breathing (thoughtful, voluntary as opposed to involuntary) can positively impact stress, anxiety, and depression when regularly practiced. I’ve recorded a mindful breathing practice script as a demonstration of one of many techniques utilized. Thank you for …

Alternative Options of Treatment for Scoliosis

This is a collage of my personal experience with non-invasive physiotherapy treatments for scoliosis. It includes X-rays, some doodles from my sketchbook when my curvature began progressing and becoming painful, and lots of photos of my treatment and surrounding memories. Bracing and surgery can often be avoided in mild or …

Cleft Lip

My project is about the tissue involved in the development of a cleft lip and palate. If a patient has a cleft lip they are more likely to have a cleft palate as well. My research covers how a cleft palate is developed in the womb to the consequences of …