Mitosis, Cancer, & the Manhattan Project – STEAM Project

Kerra Witte Bio. F111 STEAM Project 11/19/2023 Mitosis is the process of cell replication, fixating on how cells divide, transmitting their genetic information from the original cell to each divide-resulting cell. When this process has any malfunctions, it can completely change the course of the cell’s purpose. This can cause …

Compact Bone

Compare and contrast the organelles of compact bone The STEAM project represents 3D art and craft techniques combined with paintings and drawings of the organelles of the Compact bone tissue also called the Cortical bone. To further elaborate, the organelles are labeled for easy identification by viewers of this project. …

An Overview of External Fixations for Fracture Treatment

When going over the types of fractures during one of our lectures I wondered how some of them could possibly be treated. At the time the only treatment I knew of were casts and internal fixations, but these didn’t seem to be sufficient for things like comminuted fractures. After doing …