Bone Remodeling in Hyperparathyroidism

Throughout the duration of this Anatomy and Physiology course, the segment on the skeletal system stood out to me the most. This STEAM project presented the opportunity to showcase my understanding of the skeletal system. To create my project, I used watercolor paintings. I cut and pasted many small paintings …

Exploring Microgravity Induced Bone Loss In Astronauts

Kylin Warbelow Dr. LarsonBIOL F111X STEAM Project Exploring Microgravity Induced Bone Loss in Astronauts For my STEAM project, we are going to explore microgravity induced bone loss in astronauts. The objectives covered are to identify the 4 cells that comprise bone tissue, and know the stages of bone development and …

Sarin An AchE Inhibitor

German scientists discovered Sarin gas in 1938. They quickly understood the significance of the compound as a potent acetylcholinesterase ( AchE) inhibitor. Inhibiting AchE may cause one of the worst deaths imaginable. The government of Nazi Germany manufactured Sarin gas as a chemical weapon on an industrial scale. The eve …

The Integumentary system and how some of the epithelial and connective tissues and cells are affected by aging. Markita Matthews My Project is on the integumentary system and how some of the connective and epithelial tissues and cells are affected as you age. The integumentary system is made of multiple …

Osteogenesis Imperfecta in children and how it effects their bones

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) an inherited connective tissue disorder that mainly affects bones. (Martin et al., 2007) Causes bones to be fragile and have low bone mass. (Rauch et al., 2006) There are currently seven known types of OI. (Martin et al., 2007) Type I few fractures and deformities vertebral fractures …