Link to essay (must use UA email to access)
This comic spread showcases 3 different scenarios of disuse leading to skeletal muscle atrophy, and the effects of muscle loss. Progress photos included after final piece.

Link to essay (must use UA email to access)
This comic spread showcases 3 different scenarios of disuse leading to skeletal muscle atrophy, and the effects of muscle loss. Progress photos included after final piece.
Overall I am in awe at Sarah’s amazing artistic abilities. It is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also very informative and in line with her topic and essay. Her descriptions accurately describe the poster and make it easy ti understand/ navigate. It was cool to see her relate the progression and effect of muscle disuse atrophy in different bedrest settings to the muscle and skeletal system, because my project also covered the same objective. It took me a minute t navigate Sarah’s artwork, however not because it was poorly done, but because there was a lot of detail. I was able to relate Sarah’s topic to mine a lot. Not only do we share an objective, but skeletal muscle atrophy and spastic cerebral palsy both involve decrease. Muscle atrophy being a decrease in muscle mass, and cerebral palsy being a disability in the bone affecting muscle mass. Both deal with similar systems but have different causes and symptoms. Sarah pointed out that she found there to be limited search regarding the mechanisms leading to skeletal muscle atrophy. I too, found out that there is minimal research done on spastic cerebral palsy and how it affects the skeletal and muscle system. Overall, Sarah’s essay and comic strip were very informative and fun to learn about. I was able to make a lot of connections between our two STEAM projects and I learned a lot.