Hypoplasia/ Insufficient glandular tissue

My steam project will be covering the following objectives, understanding the role of hormones in lactation as well as explaining how milk production is induced and maintained. Lactation is the production of milk by the mammary glands. Hypoplasia of the breast or insufficient glandular tissue is when the shape and …

Breast Cancer During Pregnancy

Before pregnancy, a female’s breasts contain milk glands and ducts, however they are underdeveloped. The breast’s mammary gland structure is typically rudimentary during this stage as well, but all this changes when a person goes through pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body goes through many changes, many of which are in …

Follicular, Ovulatory, and Luteal Phases with and without PCOS: A model with clay

Two models are shown: one will show the normal development of tertiary follicles and dominant follicles, and the other will show the disrupted development in a woman with PCOS related to hormone imbalances.
This shows the follicular phase. As you can see, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) production. In the case of PCOS, too much LH is produced, resulting in several more follicles.
Continuing out the follicular phase, a dominant follicle produces estrogen, leading to a decrease in GnRH, LH, and FSH. In the ovary of a woman with PCOS, a dominant follicle does not emerge, and the regular estrogen production may not occur.
This shows the beginning of the ovulatory phase. The dominant follicle survives in the follicular phase, secretes estrogen, and triggers a positive feedback loop in that causes LH and FSH production to rise again. For a woman with PCOS, this positive feedback loop is never triggered.
During the luteal phase, the released oocyte travels towards the uterus while the granulosa and theca cells in the follicle form the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. With PCOS, there is no corpus luteum and therefore no progesterone production.
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The Hygiene Hypothesis: A Modern Application 40 Years Later

Nearly 40 years ago, David P Strachan published a study in the British Medical Journal which discussed data correlating the onset of childhood allergies and household size and cleanliness in British children (Strachan 1998). This so called “hygiene hypothesis” found an interesting trend: on average, children born to large households …