Different Types of Bone Fractures and How They Occur

For my project, I decided to research different types of bone fractures. In classwe covered bone structure, how bones heal, and touched on fractures, but we didn’t getinto the type of fractures much, which I thought would be very interesting to learn about.My original idea was to acquire actual bones …

Molecular Structure of Water and its Properties

Water is a polar molecule that consists of one oxygen molecule and two hydrogen molecules. From this polar molecular structure water forms hydrogen bonds that play a part in all of water’s material properties. These properties include cohesion, surface tension, high specific heat, low density as a solid, and acting …

Brochure of Neuromuscular Junction Excitations in relation to Airport Functions

Inside Brochure Outside Brochure ^^Images for my project can be found here. There are many intricacies we do not think about when contracting a muscle. Firing a muscle is not just a thought, it takes place through many steps. In relation to how complex activating a muscle is, is similar …

Replica of herniated intervertebral disc and vertebrae

STEAM Project For my STEAM project, I decided to replicate 3 vertebrae of the lumbar spine and two intervertebral discs. One of the discs is healthy, but the other is ruptured. I created these replicas out of Play-Doh. My goal for this project is to explain what a herniated disc …