Something is Udderly Wrong (Breast Hypoplasia) by Hayley Lekanof

I expanded on the objectives focusing around how lactation is induced and maintained as well as the benefits to breastfeeding. When mothers aren’t able to breast feed there can be a few things that are causing this problem, from latching issues to a poor milk supply. A poor milk supply …

lymphatic-circulatory exchange

My steam project is on the interconnection of the circulatory and lymphatic system. Major lymphatic system components are depicted in green, while the circulatory system is in blue and red for veins and arteries respectively. There are also capillaries that are harder to see that represent locations where lymphatic capillaries …

blood and components, a cartoon












My visual aid is a cartoon stating the various componets of blood and the function of blood in the human body.

(Apologies that it’s difficult to see, this is as good of quality of a picture as I’m currently able to upload)


Blood is compromised of four main components; red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets.

Plasma is the fluid in which red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are held and plasma is what allows these components to circulate throughout the body.

Primarily, red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to tissue from the lungs.

White blood cells are commonly referred to as leukocytes which are responsible for the bodies immune system. Leukocytes is the group name of wide variety of immune system related cells.

Plateletes are resposible for blood clotting to expedite the healing of wounds and prevent excessive bleeding.



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