Wall liver

Liver Cancer

-Fibrosis is the scarring of the liver -It occurs after a person experiences injury or inflammation in the liver -Once injury occurs, our wound healing cells, collagen and glycoprotein, build up in the liver and continues the building process with every injury, which causes scarring tissue. -Eventually, after many repairs …

-Fibrosis is the scarring of the liver
-It occurs after a person experiences injury or inflammation in the liver
-Once injury occurs, our wound healing cells, collagen and glycoprotein, build up in the liver and continues the building process with every injury, which causes scarring tissue.
-Eventually, after many repairs our liver cells no longer repair themselves.
-Normal liver (Stage 0): No scarring, our livers main job is to filter the blood that comes from the digestive tract before passing it to the rest of the body. It detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs.
-Stage 1: The liver is starting to show mild scarring
-Stage 2: The liver has moderate scarring that is beginning to branch out.
-Stage 3: The liver scarring has become more severe, scarred areas are spreading and connecting.
-Stage 4: This stage is when it is cirrhosis of the liver, meaning the liver has extensive scarring and this occurs after many years of mistreating the liver.
-Final Stage Liver Cancer: There are often no symptoms and when there is symptoms your already at stage four liver cancer. Some risk factors for liver cancer are Hep B, Hep C, Obesity, Alcohol and cirrhosis.

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