Objective Describe the onset, symptoms, and recovery of Parsonage-Turner Syndrome (PTS). To teach the reader how PTS restricts nerve conduction and can cause pain, myopathy, and atrophy. Introduction In 1948, Parsonage-Turner Syndrome was named after English physicians, Parsonage and Aldren Turner, who identified 136 soldiers with similar symptoms. These soldiers …
Today advances in modern medicine have brought us many different technologies that can not only help extend the life expectancy of patients but also allow them to live a relatively normal life with a disease that a few decades prior would have been a death sentence. This ranges from new …
My STEAM project involves creating a model that represents a healthy testicle and one affected by cancer. Understanding the structure and function of the male reproductive organ and recognizing the differences between healthy testicles and testicular cancer is essential for maintaining reproductive health and overall well-being. What makes this art unique …
Meryell Jarett Zita Professor Don Larson BIOL F111X 25 July 2024 Topic: Fragile Bone Medium: Art Objective: Know the stages of bone development and repair My project highlights the spinal cord, where the bone density and strength decreases, leading to an increase fracture. It is referred to as a silent …
For my STEAM presentation, I will be focusing the course objectives of the cardiovascular and circulatory system and expand on those topics into issues that can occur within the heart. Specifically, I will be expanding on heart valve disease and covering the impacts of this disease on blood flow within …
My STEM project was about the medications used to treat Schizophrenia and the side effects they can cause. I decided to do a drawing of some of the symptoms Schizophrenic patients can experience through their psychosis period. At lot of individuals experience paranoia as if someone is watching them at …
Tristan Thompson Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 November 21, 2023 Steam Project The goal of my STEAM project is to identify and describe the four main lobes within the brain and also discuss the effects that Alzheimer’s disease has on degenerating the central nervous system and sections of the brain. …