#46 Analyzing the effects of disease on the function and structure of the respiratory system for Emphysema!!

For my STEAM project I’ll be addressing the objective #46 analyzing the effects of disease on the function and structure of the respiratory system for emphysema. For this I’ll explain the origin, effects, how it disturbs the general function and regulation of our respiratory system. Emphysema, is a debilitating lung …

How the Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses Change for Mother and Child While Breastfeeding

Human breast milk was once considered sterile. Recent studies show that human breast milk is not a sterile substance and is considered an alive ecosystem. The breastmilk ecosystem comprises bacteria, live viruses, fungi, yeast, and minor genera. This ecosystem is called the human milk microbiome or HMM. (Consales 2022) Regarding …

Breath Beyond Bounds: Unraveling Asthma’s effect on Lung Function Through 3D Art  

Embark on a journey into the intricate world of the respiratory system as I delve into Unit 12’s Learning Objective, aiming to analyze the effects of disease on the function and structure of the respiratory system. In this STEAM project, I focus on respiratory diseases, particularly asthma, seeking to visually …

The Hypoxic Drive

My STEAM project is on the hypoxic drive. In healthy people with no respiratory issues, our normal respiratory drive is based off of Carbon-Dioxide (CO2) levels in the body. If we have too much CO2 in the body then we’ll adjust our ventilations to off-load the excess CO2. In people …