How the Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses Change for Mother and Child While Breastfeeding

Human breast milk was once considered sterile. Recent studies show that human breast milk is not a sterile substance and is considered an alive ecosystem. The breastmilk ecosystem comprises bacteria, live viruses, fungi, yeast, and minor genera. This ecosystem is called the human milk microbiome or HMM. (Consales 2022) Regarding …

High-impact Exercise and its Effect on Bone Density, Joints, older men, and Postmenopausal Women

My project will cover how high-impact exercises affect postmenopausal women, older men, joints, and bone density. Specifically, how bone repairs and develops with high-impact exercises and how it affects osteoporosis in older men and postmenopausal women. I am using paint as my artistic medium to show a visual representation of …