Uterine Polyps

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The unit objective that I chose to cover is from Unit 9: the Reproductive System, and it is “know the structure and function of the reproductive organs. Endometriosis is a condition involving the uterus that affects the normal structure and function of the female reproductive system. For my art project, …

The effects of pneumonia on the structures and tissues of the lungs.

My project shows three sets of alveoli in various stages of a pneumonia infection. The pinkish one is clear and functional. The green-red is inflamed and filled with pus and blood. It is not usable for gas exchange. The black and red one is necrotic and non-functional.


I will be covering the objective on how the nervous system and endocrine system interact with each other with respect to the thyroid gland and the condition of hypothyroidism. To understand the condition of hypothyroidism, we must first look at how the thyroid gland works with both the endocrine and …

Alpha-Gal Syndrome by Aleutia Peters

The objectives I will be covering in this project are “Describe the various WBC and their function” and  “Interpret the response of WBC counts disease”. White blood cells (WBC), also known as leukocytes, are responsible for protecting the body against infection (Cleveland Clinic, 2021). There are a few different types …