The purpose of this project is to explain what pelvic fractures are, who commonly fractures, and how to fix pelvic fractures. This will be in direct correlation to the unit four objective to know the stages of bone development and repair. This project will focus more on the repair part of the objective.
First, what is a pelvic fracture? A pelvis fracture is damage to the hipbone, sacrum, coccyx, and bones that make up the pelvic ring. A fracture is a crack or break in the bone. According to Sage journals written by Mostafa pelvic fractures are complex injuries that can change depending on the trauma. The pelvis consists of two hip bones, the sacrum and the coccyx. Each hip bone consists of three parts ilium, pubis, and ischium. These three parts come together at reproductive age. These bones are the bones that can break in a pelvic fracture. A pelvic fracture can range from not super serious to extremely serious. The pelvic fractures tend to come from according to Sage Journals written by Mostafa highly traumatic car crashes and older people who fall typically have osteoporosis. Pelvic fractures just like regular fractures occur when the bone has way more force applied to the bone than how much the bone can take. These fractures can be put into two different categories either displaced or nondisplaced. Displaced means that the fracture is completely apart and usually multiple pieces whereas nondisplaced is when the bone is still together but cracked. This can differ in the severity of the fracture. Now that we have discussed what pelvic fractures are and where they happen we will now discuss who commonly has pelvic fractures. So my picture shows a pelvis and cracks were pelvis fractures tend to be located.
Pelvic fractures are most commonly found in the hip bone part of the pelvic region. According to NYU Langone Health pelvic and hip fractures are most common in people who are older than 60 and usually women. This tends to happen because postmenopausal women tend to have osteoporosis which is when your body stops developing enough osteoblast which is the bone-building cell that is commonly made by your growth hormone and your body keeps producing the same amount of osteoclasts which break down bone. This causes your bones to get weaker making pelvic fractures can become more common. Other people who tend to have more pelvic fractures are people who get into high-intensity car crashes and people who fall from high heights. This occurs because of the excessive force and pressure that can come from the car hitting another car at a fast rate or how high someone falls and hits the ground. Now that we have discussed who commonly has pelvic fractures we will now discuss the treatment to heal a pelvic fracture. So in my picture i drew an older women, a person falling from a high height, and a car crash which are all reasons why people get fractures.
Pelvic fractures can be super painful and harmful to someone’s everyday life so having good ways to heal this injury will help enormously. There are two main ways to get it fixed surgically which is uncommon and physical therapy and letting the bone heal naturally. Getting pelvic fracture surgery can be dangerous and is only used on patients who need it. According to the World Journal of Emergency Surgery written by Coccolini, Most people agree that patients in severe traumatic-hemorrhagic shock from bleeding pelvic ring disruptions are unlikely people for early definitive pelvic fracture fixation, due to the risk of mortality from the bad hemorrhage. This shows that if patients are in certain conditions it can be dangerous for them to get their fractures surgically fixed. Instead, people who have these fractures tend to go to Physical therapy and use crutches to let the bone come back together. Firstly, surgery of your pelvic bone will surgically reconstruct your bones to be stable again. Surgery will still need to go in the same process as a less force fracture which the one will have to fuse. Your bone will go through a process where it’ll callus and become inflamed. Then the bone will start to grow tissue back and then it will officially connect causing bone remodeling to happen. Both of these treatments will lead back to bone regrowth. Which will improve the quality of life for someone who had this happen to them. In my picture I drew someone about to give surgey and then a person helping the hurt person with pt.
In conclusion, pelvic fractures are bones breaking or cracking, People most commonly have pelvic fractures are older women and people involved in high-force and pressure accidents, and there are multiple ways to treat pelvic fractures but they all lead back to bone remodeling. Pelvic fractures can be super small or very big but they are treatable.
Types of hip & pelvic fractures. Patient Care at NYU Langone Health. (n.d.).
An overview of the key principles and guidelines in the … – sage journals. (n.d.-a).
Coccolini, F., Stahel, P. F., Montori, G., Biffl, W., Horer, T. M., Catena, F., Kluger, Y., Moore, E. E., Peitzman, A. B., Ivatury, R., Coimbra, R., Fraga, G. P., Pereira, B., Rizoli, S., Kirkpatrick, A., Leppaniemi, A., Manfredi, R., Magnone, S., Chiara, O., … Ansaloni, L. (2017, January 18). Pelvic trauma: WSES classification and Guidelines – World Journal of Emergency surgery. BioMed Central.

The focus of Jaydenn’s STEAM project was pelvic fractures. In her essay, Jaydenn explains what a pelvic fracture is, how it occurs, who is most likely to get a pelvic fracture, and several ways to repair that fracture. The bones that make up the pelvis, like the sacrum, coccyx, and two hip bones (made up of the pubis, ilium, and ischium), could break during a pelvic fracture. Women older than sixty are most likely to have pelvic fractures since postmenopausal women tend to get osteoporosis, making their bones weaker and more prone to fractures. Another common way a person can get pelvic fractures is in a car accident because the force put on bones when a car hits another can be too much, depending on the severity of the car crash. To treat pelvic fractures, there are two main options. These options are surgery (not as common) or physical therapy. The reason why surgery is not very common is because it is quite dangerous, so only people who absolutely need it will go through surgery. Both surgery and physical therapy involve bone regrowth.
For her art project, Jaydenn drew pictures relating to everything she explained in her paper. She had a labeled drawing of the pelvis, which gives readers a great visual aid to look to. She also drew a person in a car crash and an elderly woman, the two people who most commonly get pelvic fractures. Two options to fix a pelvic fracture, surgery and physical therapy (PT), were also portrayed in Jaydenn’s drawing. In her project, Jaydenn did an excellent job providing information relevant to her topic, and I found her visual aids well done and helpful.