Explaining the benefits of breastfeeding to both infant and mother Marina Koonooka BIOL F112x- Summer 2023 Don Larson Due: 7/27/2023 I breastfed both my kids for 8 months and I enjoyed every minute of it. I knew that breastfeeding was beneficial for my children, but I didn’t know how beneficial …
The unit objective that I chose to cover is “describe the function of electrolytes and solutes and their digestion.” I did some research on alcohol’s effects on the kidney and chose to represent the lasting effects that alcohol has on a healthy kidney. I will use digital art by showing …
My project objective covers the similarities that gum disease and diabetes have in common. Gum disease and diabetes have been a duo that have had many researchers questioning and developing new information for years.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that OCs are safe and offer severalnon-contraceptive advantages, such as reducing the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer. However,some infrequent but severe complications can arise from OC usage, such as myocardialinfarction, stroke, and venous thromboembolism.
Youtube link to access video: Steam video recap: 1: Ask nearby persons if they know the person in seizure, or have history of seizures. 2: Call 911 and time the seizure. 3: Log roll person onto their side in a recovery position. This allows any fluid buildup in the mouth …