
Osteoporosis is a disease which causes bones to become fragile and easily broken. While it can affect anybody, the most susceptible to developing osteoporosis are women who are post-menopausal, this being considered Type I Osteoporosis.  This project will show how bone development is hormonally regulated, and when those hormones are …

First Line of Defense: Eczema, Disorder of the Skin

For my STEAM project, the learning objective that I will be focusing on is describing the functions of the integumentary. Additionally, I will also be discussing the chronic skin disorder of eczema. The integumentary system is comprised of the skin and its accessory structures. The skin is the largest organ …

Parkinson’s Disease: PINK1 & Parkin mutations

This project is a representation of the mutation of mitochondria in Parkinson’s disease patients. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative nerve disease of the central nervous system. I chose this project as I was interested in different organelle functions and my grandma has parkinsons. Most PD sufferers develop symptoms past …

Arthritis and its relationship to synovial joints as shown by Santa Claus in a game.

By Christopher Brooks A and P 2022 fall Have you ever wondered how Santa is able to fly around the world in order to deliver presents to all the good boys and girls of the world? Well, there is an answer, it is joints. Joints allow movement. To those who …