By Christopher Brooks
A and P 2022 fall
Have you ever wondered how Santa is able to fly around the world in order to deliver presents to all the good boys and girls of the world? Well, there is an answer, it is joints. Joints allow movement. To those who may be wondering, the objective of my project is to compare the structure of the knee joint to 5 other joint types using a board game. What a game it is!
In the game, players discover the complexities of arthritis diseases striking the knee as well as the 5 other synovial joints. In this game each player is Santa Claus, and they are trying to reach all the cities on the board before the other players. However, they are also trying to avoid obtaining a variety of arthritis while trying to give other players arthritis. This is a perfect illustration of synovial joint risks and use in a fun and competitive setting.
In this game, joints and their diseases are front and center. The game introduces seven different varieties of arthritis and their pathway leading to disease. In order to appreciate this game as they play, players are encouraged to peruse through the information provided. There is a section covering physiology of synovial joints, a section covering the ways arthritis targets joints, and a list of arthritis varieties. Because of the complexity of the topic, there are many cards in this game and many rules. A lot of the information is found on the cards. Much of that information corresponds with information found in this document such as all biological information. Therefore, it may be a card with information on a specific disease, or a card with information about specific physiological traits of joints.
There are other factors that will influence play through as well. First players can only keep a certain number of cards. In addition, they have the choice to draw a limited amount of cards from other players. Also, many cards may be used to stop players where they are by getting them lost, stuck or in the wrong location. There are cards that remove disease traits and apply them to opponents. All in all, this is a game of using strategy to avoid arthritis.

Rules to the game
Welcome, the world is in on the eve of Christmas and is expecting Santa. However, Santa is having health problems and may have arthritis. During this game he will travel to listed cities of the world. To complete, each city must be visited at least once. If you gain arthritis during game play you must cease play. If you have arthritis at the end of the game you also lose. Your Santa then cannot visit all the world due to the pain and the children will be heart broken.
To win the game you must not have arthritis and must reach all the listed cities first. Each city is connected to other cities by a flight corridor; Santa cannot deviate from flight corridors or he will be shot out of the sky by a nation’s military. Also he can only move to one city at a time. Card actions After each player lands on a city, they have a turn where they draw 4 cards either from the deck or other players or both as long as the total equals 4 cards. These will be drawn from the opponents’ hand with their back facing you. During this turn they players can play up to 4 cards of their choice. Eventually, all the cards will be drawn from the pile. At that point draw cards from other players 4 cards. These can be of any amount from any number of players as long as the cards equal 4 in total. These will be drawn from the opponents’ hand with their back facing you. If there is only 3 or less cards to be drawn total from players and the card pile is empty then the game ends. There are special cards that can be played during a players turn that do special things to other players. These are placed in from of them and affect them starting their next turn. These can slow opponents down, transport opponents or put a clue card on an opponent’s joint. These cards can be played after the player moves to a new city. These can also be played as part of the 4 total maximum number of cards from a player a turn. All action cards played besides clue cards are out of play for the rest of game after use. Clue cards either remain on a specific joint or are removed and placed into the hand of the person who removed it from the joint. If someone puts an action card on you that says you or anyone else cannot move through a region and if you or anyone else is in it, you and them are stuck for the number of turns it says. So you draw 4 cards and can deal 4 cards from that hand each turn. If you are stuck or trapped or lost a turn do not draw cards or move for the number of turns it say unless you transport immediately somewhere else. You can only immediately transport yourself if the card says you can immediately transport yourself. Otherwise, you can only transport opponents.
Giving arthritis
To do so you must place clue cards from your hand (after you draw) on the joints of opponents. There must be 4 cards on (at least) on a single joint and 4 of those cards must each suggest the same arthritis type. (so if there are four cards on a joint but they correlate to different arthritis types then that Santa does not gain arthritis). After each clue card is placed for a specific joint, the clue card cannot be placed on another joint unless it is removed. When the game ends, each remaining player looks at their remaining cards and if they have 4 clue cards that correlate to the same kind of arthritis, that player has arthritis and loses. There are also cards that can remove a clue card. They can be played on that players turn and one clue on any joint can be removed and put into their hand (the gained clue card does not count against the number of cards drawn that turn). The moment a 4th card that correlates to the same arthritis is laid down on the same joint for your Santa, you have arthritis and lose. You must then read about that type of arthritis in the informational bulletin provided
Words on the Cards These are what the cards say in the game. All biological info is found on the essay and cited. The other information is not.
Your Santa has had a stiffness while moving the head
Clue pointing to all arthritis types
Put card on Atlas/Axis joint
Your Santa has inflammation in The ligamentum teres
Clue pointing to all arthritis types
Put on hip
Your Santa has inflammation in the the mid tarsal ligaments
Clue pointing to all arthritis types put on tarsals
Your Santa has inflammation in the the plantar ligaments
Clue pointing to all arthritis types put on tarsals
Your Santa has inflammation between the Radius and the Carpals
Clue pointing to all arthritis types
Your Santa has inflammation between the Metacarpals and the Carpals
Clue pointing to all arthritis types
Your Santa has Hypo methlated CD40LG and CXCR3
Clue pointing to lupus put on any joint
Your Santa has methylated AQP1, Col1A1 and CLEC3
Clue pointing to Osteoarthritis put on any joint
Your Santa has inflammation in the
carpals and metacarpals
Clue pointing to all arthritis types
Your Santa has pain in the
carpals and metacarpals
Clue pointing to all Psoriatic Arthritis
Put on carpals and metacarpal joint or Tarsals
Your Santa is positive class I allele of the Hla–B27 gene
Clue pointing to Ankylosing spondylitis and Reactive Arthritis
Put on Knee, Tarsals, or Atlas and Axis joint
Your Santa has inflamed cruciate ligaments
Clue pointing Arthris in the knee
Your Santa has Significant Back Pain
Clue pointing to Ankylosing spondylitis
Your Santa has elevated Natural Killer cell
and Macrophage numbers
Clue pointing to Ankylosing spondylitis
Your Santa high amounts of cytokines il17 and il 23
Clue pointing to psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
and ankylosing spondylitis
Your Santa has a Fever and hands are swollen
Clue pointing to Rheumatoid arthritis and Reactive Arthritis
Put a card on carpal/metacarpal joint, or Radius /carpal joint
Your Santa has Reduced miR-10 mrna
Clue pointing to Rheumatoid arthritis
Put on any Joint
Your Santa has increased levels of
Anti Citrullinated Protein Antibodies
Clue pointing to Rheumatoid arthritis
Put on any Joint
Your Santa Smokes two packs a day
Clue pointing to Rheumatoid arthritis
Put on any Joint
Your Santa Has Skin Inflammation
Clue pointing to Psoriatic arthritis
Put on any Joint
Your sata has narrowing intervertebral discs
Clue pointing to Psoriatic arthritis
Put a card on radius and carpal joint, and carpals/metacarpal joint, the axis/atlas joint, or hip joint
Your Santa Has Flaky Fingernails
Clue pointing to Psoriatic arthritis
Put a card on radius and carpal joint, and carpals/metacarpal joint, the axis/atlas joint, or hip joint
Your Santa Has Eye Inflammation
Clue pointing to Psoriatic arthritis and Reactive Arthritis
Put on tarsal, or Knee Put a card on radius and carpal joint, and carpals/metacarpal joint, the axis/atlas joint, or hip joint
Your Santa just had a Urinary Tract Infection
Clue Pointing to Reactive Arthritis
Put on tarsal, or Knee
Your Santa’s pain and inflammation is
generally on one side
Clue Pointing to Reactive Arthritis
Put on tarsals, or Knee
Your Santa Has Headaches and Seizures
Clue Pointing to Lupus
Put on any joint
Your Santa Has large amounts of auto immune complexes in hands
Clue Pointing to Lupus
Put a card on carpal/metacarpal joint, or Radius /carpal joint
Your Santa Has A lot of Cellular Wate in Blood
Clue Pointing to Lupus
Put on any joint
Your Santa is an Alcoholic
Clue Pointing to Gout
Put on Tarsals and the knee
Your Santa eats a lot of Red Meat
Clue Pointing to Gout
Put on Tarsals and the knee
Your Santa his high levels of Uric acid
Clue Pointing to Gout
Put on Tarsals and the knee
Your Santa is Obese
Clue Pointing to Gout, Osteo arthritis,
and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Put on Knee, Tarsals, or Hip joint, Carpals and Metacarpals
Your Santa Has increased Chondrocyte Receptors
for alk1 and alk5
Clue Pointing to Osteo Arthritis
Put on Knee, Tarsals, or Hip joint
Your Santa Has Increased amounts of
Clue Pointing to Osteo Arthritis
Put a card on any joint
Your Santa Has had joint injury
Clue Pointing to Osteo Arthritis
Put a card on any joint
You can remove a clue card from a joint Relating to
Rheumatoid Arthritis/Psoriatic Arthritis/ Reactive Arthritis
Your Santa used Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs
Your Santa is taking tnf-a blockers
You can remove a clue card from a joint Relating to ankylosing spondylitis and Reactive Arthritis
Your Santa has been taking Ustekinumab and Secukinumab
You can remove a clue card from a joint Relating to ankylosing spondylitis
You can remove a clue card from a joint relating to Rheumatoid Arthritis
Your Santa takes Omega three fatty acids
You can remove a clue card from a joint relating to Lupus
Your Santa take Monoclonal Antibodies
You can remove a clue card from a joint relating to Lupus
Your Santa took specific Anti Malaria Medications
You can remove a clue card from a joint
You can remove a clue card from a joint
You can remove a clue card from a joint
You can remove a clue card from a joint
You can remove a clue card from a joint
Lost cannot move for 2 turns Lost cannot move for 2 turns
Lost cannot move for 2 turns Lost cannot move for 2 turns
Lost cannot move for 2 turns Lost cannot move for 2 turns
Sleigh broke transport and land in Paris immediately for parts
Sleigh broke transport and land in Sydney immediately for parts
Reindeer sick transport and land in Cape Town immediately for medicine
Reindeer sick transport and land in New York immediately for medicine
Forgot presents transport and land in New Delhi immediately to retrieve them
Forgot presents transport and land in Limon immediately to retrieve them
Santa dropped wallet transport and land in Chicago immediately to retrieve it.
Blizzard strikes N. America
cannot move through or into it for 2 turns
Blizzard strikes Europe.
cannot move through or into it for 1 turns
Blizzard strikes Asia
cannot move through or into it for 2 turns
Blizzard strikes Europe.
cannot move through or into it for 2 turns
Blizzard strikes Asia
cannot move through or into it for 2 turns
WildFires strike Africa
cannot move through or into it for 3 turns
WildFires strike Australia region
cannot move through or into it for 1 turns
WildFires strike Africa
cannot move through or into it for 2 turns
WildFires strike Australia region
cannot move through or into it for 1 turns
Trasport yourself or anyone immediately to Honolulu
Transport yourself or anyone immediately to Beijing
Transport yourself or anyone immediately to Cairo
Transport yourself or anyone immediately to St Petersburg
Transport yourself or anyone immediately to Lagos
Transport yourself or anyone immediately to Tokyo
Transport yourself or anyone immediately to Reykjavik
Transport yourself or anyone immediately to Darwin
Transport yourself or anyone immediately to Bangkok
You can remove any clue card from a joint
And immediately play it on another player
You can remove any clue card from a joint
And immediately play it on another player
You can remove any clue card from a joint
Your Santa Used N S A I D S
You can remove any clue card from a joint
Your Santa Used N S A I D S
You can remove a clue card from a joint
Your Santa Used N S A I D S
You can remove a clue card from a joint
Your Santa Used N S A I D S
You can remove a clue card from a joint
You can remove a clue card from a joint
You can remove a clue card from a joint
You can remove a clue card from a joint
Christopher’s project is very nice and well made. It is very detailed and uses a fun concept to teach the players of the game about joints and arthritis in a way that I thought was pretty simple and straightforward but effective. In the game the objective is to have Santa visit every city and not get arthritis to win. The players draw cards whenever one of the players lands on a city and the players draw cards from any of the other players 4 cards that they placed on the board. The cards are action cards that cause the player to not move or become stuck on the board or any other specified action the card says and after an action card is used it’s discarded. There are also clue cards which are placed or removed by the players onto the joints of other players which are the players own personal boards in the game. If a player reaches all of the cities or there are no non-discarded action cards left the game ends. If a player has four or more clue cards pertaining to a certain disease on one of their joints they have arthritis and they lose and have to read about the disease in the information bulletin that’s provided. The bulletin has lots of great information on synovial joints and diseases that cause arthritis in these joints such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and reactive arthritis to name a few of the diseases.