The endocrine glad function increases at the start and throughout pregnancy, which only increases the hormones released, such as Estrogen, Progesterone, Oxytocin and hCG. They fluctuate throughout the pregnancy.
hCG increases by 50% per day during the first trimester, reaches a peak at Gestational week 10. after this, the levels decrease and then remain stable for the rest of the pregnancy.
Progesterone levels start to raise at gestational week 17 and continue the upward trend throughout until the end of the third trimester, and then drop. The decrease is known to cause Braxton-Hicks contractions on occasion. Low levels of progesterone can cause spontaneous abortions before week 16. Progesterone acts as a relaxant for the uterus and maintains the uterine lining.
Throughout the pregnancy, Estrogen and progesterone remain at similar levels, however estrogen peaks and levels off around gestational week 34. Estrogen prepares the body to make the mucus plug, prepares the breasts for breast feeding, Progesterone enlarges the breast lobules that produce milk. and both Estrogen and Progesterone are produced by the ovaries, and then by the placenta during the 2nd trimester. Once Estrogen and Progesterone drop, labor is induced. At this time, once the baby is ready to leave the uterus, the body produces Adrenocorticotropic hormone during fetal stress. The contraction of the uterus is caused by Prostaglandins. Nerve fibers caused the Hypothalamus to produce oxytocin. Oxytocin is stored and produced from the pituitary gland. Oxytocin is responsible for rhythmic contractions and have positive effects on a laboring mother
The endocrine glad function increases at the start and throughout pregnancy, which only increases the hormones released, such as Estrogen, Progesterone, Oxytocin and hCG. They fluctuate throughout the pregnancy.
hCG increases by 50% per day during the first trimester, reaches a peak at Gestational week 10. after this, the levels decrease and then remain stable for the rest of the pregnancy.
Progesterone levels start to raise at gestational week 17 and continue the upward trend throughout until the end of the third trimester, and then drop. The decrease is known to cause Braxton-Hicks contractions on occasion. Low levels of progesterone can cause spontaneous abortions before week 16. Progesterone acts as a relaxant for the uterus and maintains the uterine lining.
Throughout the pregnancy, Estrogen and progesterone remain at similar levels, however estrogen peaks and levels off around gestational week 34. Estrogen prepares the body to make the mucus plug, prepares the breasts for breast feeding, Progesterone enlarges the breast lobules that produce milk. and both Estrogen and Progesterone are produced by the ovaries, and then by the placenta during the 2nd trimester. Once Estrogen and Progesterone drop, labor is induced. At this time, once the baby is ready to leave the uterus, the body produces Adrenocorticotropic hormone during fetal stress. The contraction of the uterus is caused by Prostaglandins. Nerve fibers caused the Hypothalamus to produce oxytocin. Oxytocin is stored and produced from the pituitary gland. Oxytocin is responsible for rhythmic contractions and have positive effects on a laboring mother