Multiple Sclerosis

Steam Project MS STEAM Essay For my STEAM project I have decided to research the disease Multiple Sclerosis. This is an autoimmune disorder that causes the myelin sheathe on our neurons to be damaged, which decreases the body’s ability to control electrical signals being sent to various parts of the …


For my STEAM project I made a short film depicting the virus COVID 19 and tried to show the basics of how it enters cells and infiltrates the body. The main “characters” are the COVID-19 virus, and the killer T white blood cells that combat it, in addition to some …

In A Week

I decided to create a five canvas panel to show the different stages of decomposition. I used acrylic paints, a sharpie, and a healthy dose of nihilism. There is some aspect of nudity, but it is for artistic purpose and because clothes go through a completely different process of decomposition than the human body. Click photos for better quality.

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Stages of Mitosis

I did my steam project on the process of Mitosis. I showed each phase, including Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis, on top of vanilla cupcakes I baked. I thought this medium would be appropriate because of the ability to show the steps on each cupcake.