For my steam project, I wanted to know how Spina Bifida affects the lower appendicular skeleton. There are a couple drawings of some of the different deformities that are common with Spina Bifida.

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  1. My partner, Allison completed her STEAM project on spina bifida. She does an excellent job at explaining what spina bifida is, what it affects, and when it is most commonly developed. She describes the three forms of this medical condition which are Myelomeningocele, Meningocele, and spina bifida occulta. Every time I had heard about the condition in the past I thought that it only pertained to physical disabilities but I now know that it affects intellect as well which is really interesting! Allison does an excellent job at explaining each type of the spina bifida condition, how they are caused, and how the different types affect the person that has spina bifida. I also really like how she explains other congenital deformities and treatments for these deformities that can affect a person’s mobility similarly to spina bifida or that can occur due to spina bifida. In my opinion the written aspect of her project was done extremely well and she went into really great detail in explaining the conditions and treatments.
    For the artistic portion of this project my partner completed a series of drawings. These drawings included the different types of spina bifida, club foot, and vertical talus. All of the drawings she completed were very clean and it was easy to tell what she was trying to depict. The drawings for the different types of spina were of the spine and each type was labeled and it was clear which type she was depicting in each and how it was affecting the spine. In all of the drawings for club foot and vertical talus there were drawings of what the normal foot would look like and what the bones look like in each of the conditions and it made it much easier to understand the conditions she completed her STEAM project on.


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