1. My project was on Trench foot. I really enjoy war history, and trench foot was a big deal in WW2. It cost many men their lives. I used paint and eyeshadow on a canvas to try and recreate a milder form of trench foot.

    Rebecca Howell
  2. Rebecca illustrated some of the early stages of trench foot. The use of colors and shading helps to add realism. She explains that trench foot is necrosis of tissues due to prolonged exposure to a cold and wet environment. Rebecca also defines the differences between hypothermic conditions and trench foot, and relates both to the special properties of water.. Rather than simply enumerating the signs and symptoms of trench foot, Rebecca actually focuses on the effects it has on different types of tissues and what happens during the different stages of trench foot. She starts with stratified squamous epithelium, and continues to dense regular connective tissue, and finally describes the effects on deeper tissues that can occur in severely progressed cases. Rebecca also describes World War Two, one of the times when trench foot was most common, and emphasizes the importance of having spare dry socks when in environments that could get your feet wet. It is good to know that trench foot is easily preventable and treatable.

    Noah Ricco

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