Oral Health and Cardiovascular Disease

Oral Health and Cardiovascular Disease  For decades, medical health and dental health have been separated. This has led most individuals to disconnect their oral health from the rest of the body. But this is simply not the case. Research has been linking oral health and bacteria to systemic conditions throughout …

“I GO WHERE THE HEART TAKES ME!” Cardiovascular System

I GO WHERE THE HEART TAKES ME! The objectives that I will be focusing on is to know the path of blood through the heart and circulatory system, explain the structure and function of the heart. We studied the heart and how proper circulation of blood is important for tissue …


The learning objective that I am addressing in this paper is:  “Explain how the heart translates an electrical signal to a contraction” I will be looking at how you can use a 12 lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) to detect a ST- segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and predict where the ischemia …

Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease

This cholesterol model serves to elucidate both the structure and destructive potential of cholesterol in the cardiovascular system. In the rings of the model are some of the most common cholesterol-induced cardiovascular diseases: Coronary Artery Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease, Stroke, and High Blood Pressure. Although cholesterol is necessary for metabolic …