Prosopagnosia, or “face blindness”, is a condition which prohibits the individual from recognizing faces due to an issue in the anterior fusiform gyrus, and they must rely on other telling aspects of a person (like clothes, jewelry, or distinctive facial features like a mole)- this condition causes the individual possessing it to have a plethora of social difficulties, and for this project I wanted to create an art piece that portrayed the feeling of being surrounded by unknown faces, and having a person one knows through a different feature finally being recognized.
Peripheral Nervous System
For my STEAM project I did the Peripheral Nervous System. I used white yarn as the nerves and hot glued them to a black bodysuit.
Uternine Smooth Muscle
I did my STEAM project on uterine smooth muscle. I chose to do this because I thought it was crazy how the uterus can go through such drastic changes but yet shrink back to size. That the uterus is able to stretch up to 500 times it original size. The …
Bone Repair
With my project I talk about what different types of femur breaks there are and the process of the bone healing.
Prosopagnosia; An Interpretation
Gangrene and its effects on different tissues
I researched gangrene and drew diagrams showcasing its effects on different tissues.
Infants are frightfully fragile, miniature in mass, and demonstratively dependent. Their skeleton consists of an oversized skull, many starting nubs of bones, and a great deal of cartilage paired with undeveloped muscles which results in a body that provides little protection and meager mobility. I wanted to investigate their rare …
Types of Sarcomas
doc 2020-11-25 09.19.28 Bones are the structure of the entire human body. It is what allows us to stand up right, climb mountains and run marathons. They also protect our vital organs such as our lungs and the heart. Because they are such an important part of our bodies, …