In my STEAM project, I covered how Sickle Cell Disease impacts the human body as well as the reasons behind it. This comic, based on a true story, takes an exciting and informative look at how sickle cells affect the circulatory system in a heartwarming tale of perseverance.
The Anatomy of Sin: a Novella
Psoas Major, the Femur, and Posture
My project will focus on the femur bone, surrounding muscles, and how it can affect posture and localized pain. This is the largest bone in the human body and is located in the upper leg. The femur is such a large and strong bone because it has to support the …
How Acne Vulgaris can affect the Epithelial Tissue.
In my STEAM Project, I covered how acne vulgaris can potentially damage the epithelial tissue. My illustrations show the different stages of acne forming within the hair follicle, from beginning to end. My art project was supposed to be a small flip book, but I had trouble getting all the …
Connections Between the Speed of Neuron Communication and Down Syndrome
This STEAM project has a focus on part of the reason why people who are born with trisomy 23, or Down Syndrome, experience slower connections within the nervous system that affect their ability to interact with the world. The posted watercolor painting (admittedly, not a great one since my artistic …
Affects of Osteoarthritis
Flat bone representing the scapula. long bone representing the femur. Irregular bone representing a spinal vertebrae. Small bone representing a tarsal. For my last model it represents a long bone affected by osteoarthritis. It’s a model of only one half showing the ball of the bone, and the effects.
Bone Cell Construction Workers and Paget’s Disease:
This piece explores the four main cells that comprise bone tissue and their functions under normal conditions, as well as how those functions can go wrong in the context of Paget’s disease. The first four panels of the comic explore the normal functioning of the cells with a building metaphor, …