How the Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses Change for Mother and Child While Breastfeeding

Human breast milk was once considered sterile. Recent studies show that human breast milk is not a sterile substance and is considered an alive ecosystem. The breastmilk ecosystem comprises bacteria, live viruses, fungi, yeast, and minor genera. This ecosystem is called the human milk microbiome or HMM. (Consales 2022) Regarding …

Breath Beyond Bounds: Unraveling Asthma’s effect on Lung Function Through 3D Art  

Embark on a journey into the intricate world of the respiratory system as I delve into Unit 12’s Learning Objective, aiming to analyze the effects of disease on the function and structure of the respiratory system. In this STEAM project, I focus on respiratory diseases, particularly asthma, seeking to visually …

The Digestive Game!

My STEAM Project is a board game that aims to teach the players the order of organ function and path of food during digestion through game play cards and information written on the board. The board itself has different sections (mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus) which have …

Diastasis Rectus Abdominis – Mackenzie Hawkins

For this STEAM project, I chose to research Diastasis Recti Abdominis and possible therapeutic solutions. The course objective I have explored through this project is to “Explain common disorders during pregnancy and their cause.” My inspiration for this project came from my mom’s experience with pregnancy and delivery of my …