Hibernation: The Contrast Between Physiological and Behavioral Components

Henry Haas Animal Physiology 20/April/2023 STEAM Project Abstract OBJECTIVE: Unit 2 Thermal Physiology, “Compare and contrast behavioral and physiological strategies for coping with temperatures”. Hibernation, a deep state of multi-day torpor in which body temperature and metabolism are depressed, exists in more than 10 classes and families among mammals and …

The Lymphatic System- A Biological Waste Water Treatment Plan – Micah Hassen

For my project, I decided to cover the objectives “Identify the key structures of the Lymphatic System” and “Explain the role the Lymphatic System plays in the Immune Response”. I have related the individual members of the lymphatic system to the different structures that treat sewage: it is comprised of …

The Path of Blood Through the Heart and Circulatory system

The path of our blood flow through the heart and the circulatory system is amazing. Our deoxygenated blood from the body enters the right side of the heart from the Superior and Inferior Vena Cava. Our oxygenated-rich blood is delivered from the lungs back to the Left side of the …

Eosinophils and How They Defend Against Helminths

Objective: Describe the various WBC and their function Topic: Eosinophils and how they defend against parasites Media: A drawn comic depicting how eosinophils fight against parasites. Eosinophils as a super hero and a parasite as the villain  In my comic eosinophils are shown as the super heroes fighting against the villain, …

Avoid an egg shortage: Improvements in chicken lives to produce more eggs

The egg laying industry is one that looks to optimize egg production in chickens. In order to improve chicken egg production, they must have nutritional values met, an increase in light and temperature exposure, stress levels, as well as access to a perch. Consuming calcium allows chickens to store the …