Written statement to project is linked to this URL:
Written statement to project is linked to this URL:
Ainsley’s STEAM project was built around the three processes of spermatogenesis, oogenesis, and ovulation. Spermatogenesis is the reproductive process in which males produce sperm. Oogenesis is the reproductive process of ova in females. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the female menstrual cycle. It is important to note that spermatogenesis begins during puberty and continues on nonstop. Mitosis is a process where cells divide to create daughter cells. Mitosis happens in the human body daily. Whether it be in the skin, blood, etc. Meiosis strictly relates to reproductive cells. The daughter cells that are produced contain genetic information (DNA). The spermatogonia go through mitosis, meiosis 1, and meiosis 2 to produce sperm that contain 23 chromosomes each. The ova also undergoes mitosis, meiosis 1, and meiosis 2. Men produce thousands of sperm, whereas women produce one egg. Ovulation occurs in a female during puberty and this age fluctuates for every person. During ovulation, the unfertilized ova sheds the lining of the uterus. This causes blood to flow out of the uterus. Spermatogenesis never ends until the male dies. Oogenesis and ovulation end during menopause for women and so the fertility window is limited to puberty-menopause. It is so interesting to see how similar the process of spermatogenesis is compared to oogenesis. Also, ovulation is related to oogenesis because fertilization can occur during this period of time. Ainsley illustrated these three processes through a beautifully done comic strip. The similarities and differences are included at the end of the paper. I love the humor and colors on your project. Great work!
Ainsley’s project covers the course objective “Compare and contrast spermatogenesis and ovulation.” To do this she has made a comic type of illustration that describes in detail the process of spermatogenesis, oogenesis, and ovulation. Spermatogenesis is the process of producing sperm that begins even before puberty, in contrast oogenesis is the process of producing ova, this begins at puberty. Ovulation happens around day 14 and takes place once every cycle. The visuals and story line make the information interesting and easy to follow. Overall I found Ainsley’s project super fun, it’s a great piece that sums up all three processes.