Minimizing the risk of osteoporosis through your Breast Cancer Journey 🎀 This is a little guid/fact board to help you learn about little changes you can make to help with the risk of developing osteoporosis when diagnose with breast cancer.

Alexis’ STEAM project describes the relationship between osteoporosis and breast cancer in women. Specifically, Alexis demonstrates the direct correlation of how hormones impact bone density in women with breast cancer.
Osteoporosis is a disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone mass which causes the bones to become weak and brittle. Osteoporosis commonly occurs as the body ages, but can also impact younger women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer occurs when the cells in breast tissue rapidly multiply. There is no cure for either condition, but treatment can help slow the progression of these illnesses.
Both osteoporosis and breast cancer are influenced by low estrogen production. Even treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy and other medications can contribute to the loss of bone density. It is crucial to maintain bone health with supplements, nutrition and weight-bearing exercises early in life to lower the risks of these illnesses.
Alexis’ STEAM project demonstrates the importance of estrogen for slowing the progression of osteoporosis and breast cancer. Alexis also mentions the importance of hormonal homeostasis in regards to the parathyroid hormone and calcium. Her project creatively depicts the supplements and healthy food choices to aid hormone regulation while offering new information outside of her essay. Her project compliments her essay in a creative manner by representing a breast cancer awareness ribbon as a poster. Alexis’ essay has an informative flow with relevant information that depicts her objective. A few criticisms I have include small grammatical errors and a lack of title. Overall, her project had easy to understand and concise information. The art project was creative, fun and also informative.