Creating my pizza cells






Abnormal Mitosis
STEAM Project Essay attached.
Creating my pizza cells
Abnormal Mitosis
STEAM Project Essay attached.
Abnormal Mitosis photo can be found on the essay attached.
Mitosis is the process of cell division and replication, in which chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei, resulting in two identical daughter cells. The process of mitosis has 4 distinct stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. It is a crucial process for growth of healthy tissues and bone remodeling, development of embryos, fixing and replacing damaged cells, and ultimately for sustaining our healthy bodies. When mitosis is not completed properly and results in an abnormal process, this can lead to issues in the body. An abnormal process could result from a disruption in mitosis, such as the mitotic spindle failing to divide chromosomes correctly, which can lead to unequal segregations of chromosomes or chromosomal instability. This chromosomal instability can cause damage and become cancerous as cells continue to divide and form a tumor, which can eventually grow to invade and destroy healthy tissues in the body. One example of abnormal mitosis leading to chromosomal instability is colon cancer – although diabetes, obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse, genetics, low-fiber, or high-fat diet, and even radiation therapy can contribute to this as well.