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  1. James’ STEAM project is a model of the organs of the digestive system. This covers the objective “Know the order of organ function and path of food during digestion”. Digestion begins in the mouth where chewing and saliva (secreted by the salivary glands) help to breakdown food, making it easier to move throughout the digestive system. When swallowed, food is pushed down towards esophagus by the tongue. The esophagus is the muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. Food moves down the esophagus through a process called peristalsis (muscular contraction and relaxation) towards the stomach. In the stomach, food is churned and mixed with digestive juices, further breaking it down, resulting in chyme (soupy liquid created when food is mixed with digestive juices). The chyme is then emptied from the stomach into the small intestines. This is where most of the digestion and absorption (nutrients entering the blood stream) occurs. When food enters into the small intestines, accessory organs (gallbladder liver, and pancreas) release bile and enzymes that help in continued digestion. The next organ in the path of digestion is the large intestines. The large intestines start at the appendix and ends at the anus. The large intestines finishes the absorption of nutrients and water, and synthesizes certain vitamins. Any waste products, or unused / indigestible parts of food and liquid are absorbed by the large intestines forming feces, and through peristalsis, feces move through the large intestines towards anal canal to be eliminated from the body.

    Martha Chin

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