This piece is about prions and their effects. Prions are pathogens, that are formed from proteins, that are misfolded. Prions can be found from human or animal and it causes neurogenerative diseases. This project is more specifically about bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and its effect to cow. You can see, that cow can have normal appetite, even if it has this disease. But still, you can see, that it as lost some weight and it has littlebit troubles to stand and move, and the human is giving stimulus, which is making it more nervous and that way symptoms are worse. Also you can see, that cow has different color eyes, which represents vision problems, because prions can be found in retina. Because prions usually deposit in brains and spinal cord, in the picture you can see orange balls, in top of cow’s head. They represent prions, and blue balls represent antibodies fighting against the prions. Human is in the picture also, because it has been suspected that BSE has infected people through nutrients, and that has caused vCJD to humans.