Christian Bolton Affect of Ischemic Stroke on Nervous System

With unclothed blood vessels, blood is able to flow through the body allowing for normal function. When there is a clot of a blood vessel in the brain, a ischemic stroke occurs. This leads to a damaged brain and damaged nerve cells. The nerves cells, as a result of the …


My Steam project is on Osteomyelitis which is inflammation of the bone and bone marrow due to infection. Pictured is a clay model that I made to represent a segment of long bone such as the femur that has undergone a fracture. the green clay represents infected tissue, yellow bone …

Drawing/Painting of Alcohol’s Affect on The Body and Neurotransmission

This drawing is meant to be an abstract representation of how the central nervous system is affected by alcohol and more specifically how it affects neurotransmission and the continuation of an electrical signal between neurons. The silhouette in the center is meant to show the person affected and the colored …