Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

For this project, I chose to model temporomandibular joint dysfunction to meet the following objective: “relate the interaction of muscles and the skeletal system.” I chose this objective because temporomandibular joint dysfunction is largely caused by interrelated skeletal and muscular issues such as arthritis and extended muscle contractions. I used …

The Heart

STEAM Project Structure and function the heart I decided to do my STEAM project on the structure and function of the heart. The heart is described as a remarkable “pump” that propels blood into major vessels, the aorta and the pulmonary trunk. From these vessels the blood is distributed to …

The Placenta

I choose to do my project on the function and the formation of the placenta. It was interesting to learn how the placenta is formed and functions. I find it fascinating that the body forms this extra organ at conception and discards it after it completes its purpose.