Trigeminal Neuralgia

I  decided to do my project on trigeminal neuralgia and to discuss the background of the trigeminal nerve as one of the 12 cranial nerves and its relation to the peripheral nervous system. I talked about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of this disorder in detail. I’m not super artistic …


I made my STEAM project about osteoporosis because I enjoyed learning about the disease. The woman in the beginning is drinking milk, but she hasn’t been having enough calcium as seen by the Ca++ tanks on the second page. This causes the osteoclasts to break down more bone than they’re supposed to. This leads the personified osteoblast at the end of the comic to be surprised that they’ll be unable to keep up with the osteoclasts’ activity.

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Lost Cartilage Your Knee Won’t Forget: Osteoarthritis in the Knee Joint

My goal was to demonstrate the effects of osteoarthritis in the knee. This is a degenerative condition characterized by worn down cartilage that causes things like swelling, stiffness, pain, and bony growths that form on the ends of bone due to the femur and the tibia rubbing against each other …