Pathway of Food Through the Digestive System

My STEAM project is about the pathway that food takes through the digestive system as well as some key roles that take place at each organ. In my essay, I went into depth as to the path that food takes from mouth to anus.

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Central Nervous System versus Peripheral Nervous System

My STEAM project is about the differences and similarities between the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).  In my essay, I placed a focus on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and how it differs from Guillen barre syndrome (GBS).  The end-state of my analysis is to show …

Multiple Sclerosis

STEAM-M Multiple sclerosis affects the neurons, or nerve cells, located in the central nervous system. A nerve cell is comprised of multiple regions. (Figure 1) The large area comprising a majority of the collective mass is the soma, or cell body, containing the nucleus. Branching off from the soma are …

The Digestive System Shirt

The digestive system is an imperative part of the human body that holds many roles in helping maintain equilibrium. The four primary functions of the digestive system include ingestion, digestion, absorption, and defecation. Ingestion includes the intake of nutrients, digestion includes the breakdown of larger molecules in smaller ones, absorption …

Benefits of Breast Feeding to Mother and Child

My STEAM Project was on how mothers and babies benefit from this natural process, breast feeding.  I really enjoyed learning about lactation and how important it was for children, but thought it would be interesting to learn how mothers benefit from this experience as well.  I discuss how essential breast …

Necrosis: The Last Song of a Dying Cell

Necrosis is one of the pathways of the cell death, during which the cell’s lysosomes rupture, releasing hydrolase enzymes. Using a baking soda model of a eukaryotic cell and a vinegar filled “lysosome” the process of liquefaction necrosis is shown. This video, set to Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”, shows the …

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic neurological disease that has an unknown cause. This disease specifically effects the central nervous system that leads to axonal loss and demyelination in both white and grey matter of the spinal cord and brain. I have a family member that suffers from this disease and …