This is the “anime” type story I created on my STEAM Project about acids and bases reacting in buttermilk pancakes. It shows the steps of mixing vinegar and milk to make buttermilk, and then mixing the rest of the ingredients and making the pancakes. This project talks about the objective we covered on the differences between acids and bases. Hope you guys enjoy it! (Also, the dog stepped on my paper, haha).


One Comment

  1. Vanderslice has chosen the #STEAM objective of knowing the difference between acids and bases which happens to be a similar concept to the objective I’ve personally chosen for my STEAM post on the octet rule of chemical bonds in #peptidoglycan of bacterial cell walls which I’ve added a link to at the bottom of my comment for further reading on the subject. Vanderslice does a good job with explaining to the reader and observer how acids and bases react in successive steps to form products that ultimately lead to pancakes in her essay and drawing. The following is a summation of her essay that complements her drawing of the STEAM objective on acids and bases.
    Vanderslice brings up that acidity or lower pH has to do with an increase in hydrogen ion concentration. Next, she says that acid-acid and acid-base reactions are important in baking. When she adds acid or vinegar to milk the milk curdles because casein proteins interlink. The milk pH decreases further because more lactic acid bacteria are produced.
    Then, once the dry ingredients are added to the liquid mixture of curdled milk, carbon dioxide rises to the top of the pancake because carbon dioxide is a product of the reaction between baking soda and an acid. The acid turns out to be from the baking powder she adds with additional baking soda. Baking powder is added which does not require the acid in the liquid mixture because it has cream of tartar which acts as an acid for the baking soda to react with to further rise the pancake. Through a series of reactions with acids and bases, pancakes are the product.
    – Douglas Krukoff

    Douglas Krukoff

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