This project dives deeper into the phases of mitosis. Specifically, what drives mitosis? There is such a vast wealth of information on the things that are driving it, and scientists still don’t know everything about it. It is incredible how intricate and compex it is at such a microscopic level! I wrote my music to represent the phases and a couple of the drivers of mitosis both visually and audibly.




One Comment

  1. Erin illustrated the different phases of mitosis by composing a song on her piano, as well as adding visual effects to show the following notes being played. In mitosis, there are 4 phases. The first phase of mitosis is prophase, in which DNA strands condense and coil into chromosomes. Chromosomes appear in an X shaped bundle. After this action, fiber spindles emerge from the centrosomes, and the nuclear envelopes break down. The next phase in mitosis is the metaphase, which is introduced by a transitional phase called the prometaphase. Chromatids in their X-shape and their sister chromatids line up in the metaphase plate. Sister chromatids are attached to microtubules that separate to opposite poles. Next, anaphase shortens microtubules as sister chromatids are pulled apart. In this phase, chromosomes can be seen being pulled to opposite poles and division begins. Lastly, telophase is responsible for creating two new nucleus membranes. These are the four major steps in the mitosis process, but the key components of mitosis are some proteins. These proteins are kinesin-5, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK’s), and dyneins. Kinesin-5 helps compose mitotic spindles and create forces to help chromosomes line up for division. This protein works closely with dyneins. Dyneins also help with chromosomes attaching to kinetochores. These proteins also help with lining centrosomes up for prophase. CDK’s are a very important protein needed for mitosis. They play a large role in the anaphase, which stops the cyclin and allows the anaphase to continue. In mitosis as a whole, there are 4 phases that use many forces and proteins to allow microscopic cells to divide.

    William Wood

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