Watch the Video Using the Following Link: Understanding Energy Metabolism Through Dance Video

For my STEAM project, I have chosen to explore the intriguing field of energy metabolism during exercise, focusing specifically on the roles of aerobic and anaerobic pathways in producing and using ATP. Understanding these metabolic processes is crucial for grasping how our bodies generate and utilise energy for different physical activities. To effectively convey these complex concepts, I have created a choreographed dance performance that acts as both an artistic expression and a scientific demonstration of the metabolic pathways involved. Through this performance, I aim to embody the physiological changes at various exertion levels, providing my peers with an engaging and educational experience.
Energy metabolism enables muscle contractions, with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) serving as the body’s primary energy currency. Since the body has a limited supply of ATP, it must be constantly replenished to keep up with physical activity demands. ATP is essential for muscle contraction and a range of cellular processes, including the operation of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) pumps. These pumps are vital for maintaining calcium balance, as they transport calcium ions from the cytosol back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, facilitating muscle relaxation after contractions. This essential regulation of calcium ions highlights how ATP fuels muscle activity and recovery.
The body’s initial energy source during exercise is phosphocreatine, which is quickly metabolised to regenerate ATP with the help of creatine kinase. This phosphocreatine can sustain maximum effort for around 15 seconds. After this period, the body must turn to other ATP resynthesis methods (Animal Physiology, n.d.). As the phosphocreatine stores decrease, muscles transition to glycolysis, especially during high-intensity activities. Anaerobic glycolysis breaks down glucose into pyruvate without needing oxygen, allowing for rapid ATP production. However, this process leads to the creation of lactic acid, a byproduct that can accumulate and contribute to muscle fatigue (Spurway, 1992). The explosive, powerful movements I perform in my dance highlight the critical role of anaerobic metabolism and the challenges of lactic acid buildup.
During moderate to low-intensity activities, the body predominantly uses aerobic metabolism, which occurs when enough oxygen is available. This process starts with glycolysis, progressing to the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, where oxygen is harnessed to generate ATP. This energy pathway is considerably more efficient, producing up to 36 ATP molecules for every glucose molecule—far more than the mere 2 ATP ATP generated through anaerobic glycolysis (Hargreaves & Spriet, 2020). In my dance performance, the aerobic segment will showcase fluid and expansive movements, reflecting the efficiency and endurance built through aerobic processes. Research indicates that during aerobic exercise, skeletal muscles primarily draw on glycogen and fatty acids from the body’s stores, enabling sustained energy output over extended durations (Hargreaves & Spriet, 2020).
The shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism marks a significant change as exercise intensity increases. This transition is closely linked to the lactate threshold, which is the moment when lactic acid starts to build up in the bloodstream. Understanding this threshold is vital for enhancing endurance performance (Spurway, 1992). It reveals the effectiveness of the aerobic system and underscores the need to boost aerobic capacity to improve athletic performance. The choreography will capture this concept by showcasing a gradual evolution from the fluidity of aerobic movement to the sharp, urgent bursts characteristic of anaerobic activity, illustrating the metabolic adjustments our bodies make when energy demands rise.
Understanding how ATP depletion affects muscle function during extended exercise is crucial. As ATP levels drop, muscle performance can suffer, leading to fatigue. Lactic acid buildup also lowers the intracellular pH, which disrupts enzyme activity and calcium regulation—both vital for effective muscle contraction (Animal Physiology). After intense activity, the body needs oxygen to replenish ATP and phosphocreatine and convert lactic acid back into pyruvate, allowing it to re-enter aerobic pathways. This highlights the interconnectedness of these metabolic systems. My presentation will blend technical explanations with visual aids to help the audience better comprehend the scientific principles that underpin their physical experiences.
This STEAM project offers a creative interpretation of the scientific concepts tied to energy metabolism during exercise. By blending thorough scientific research with artistic expression, my choreographed dance will act as a distinctive educational tool that clarifies the complexities of human physiology, especially the delicate balance between aerobic and anaerobic energy systems during physical activity. Through this project, I hope to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the science behind exercise and its significant impact on our bodies.
Hargreaves, M., & Spriet, L.L. (2020). Skeletal muscle energy metabolism during exercise. Nature Metabolism, 2, 817–828.
Spurway, N. C. (1992). Aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and the lactate threshold. British Medical Bulletin, 48(3), 569–591.
Animal Physiology. (n.d.). Sources of ATP. In Animal Physiology. Retrieved October 25, 2023, from
Kass Ferm’s steam project explores the energy metabolism during exercise, focusing on the roles of aerobic and anaerobic pathways in producing ATP. Through a choreographed dance performance, the project demonstrates the physiological processes that fuel different levels of physical exertion, providing an engaging and educational experience for readers like me.
ATP is the main energy currency in the body essential for muscle contraction and cellular functions such as calcium ion regulations by SERCA pumps. Due to the limited availability ATP must be replenished through various pathways during exercise. The phosphocreatine system provides a rapid but short lived energy source, lasting up to 15 seconds. When the system depletes, anaerobic, glycolysis taking over producing ATP quickly but generating lactic acid, which can lead to muscle fatigue.
Moderate to low intensity activities aerobic metabolism becomes the primary energy source, efficiently generating ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. This pathway uses oxygen to break down glycogen and fatty acids, supporting prolonged physical activity. The transition from aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, known as the lactate threshold, reflects increasing exercise intensity and the bodys adaption to rising energy demands.
Kass Ferm’s dance performance represents these processes. With movements portraying anaerobic metabolism and fluid motions symbolizing aerobic metabolism becomes the primary energy source, efficiently generating ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. This pathway uses oxygen to break down glycogen and fatty acids, supporting prolonged physical activity. The transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, known as the lactate threshold reflects increasing exercise intensity and the bodys adaption to rising energy demands.
The performance visually represents these processes, with explosive movements, anaerobic metabolism and fluid motions symbolizing aerobic energy production. By blending art and science the project creatively conveys the complexities of energy metabolism representing a deeper understanding of how the human body sustains and adapts to physical activity.