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  1. This steam project by Breanna Bowman discusses the learning objective to explain common disorders during pregnancy and their cause. This project focuses on the disease Pre-eclampsia which can occur after week 20 of a pregnancy. It is a severe complication that can occur during pregnancy affecting roughly 70,000 women a year. The paper discusses the symptoms that are used to identify if a patient has Pre-eclampsia and then dives into the different classifications that this disorder is broken down into, such as early onset Pre-eclampsia, late-onset Pre-eclampsia, or postpartum Pre-eclampsia. It explains the differences between each type of Pre-eclampsia and how they are treated. While the cause of Pre-eclampsia is still being studied, this paper dives into what we know about the disease and its different causes. Then discuss’ the dangers of not catching the disease early enough and the long-term consequences that affect both mother and baby even if caught early. Lastly, since there are no known forms of prevention the paper says it’s best to keep an eye out for symptoms. For the art portion of this project, Breanna painted a picture representing the uterus of a pregnant mother with Pre-eclampsia. The discolored placenta shows that it is not healthy.

    Kyle Banning

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