Breath Beyond Bounds: Unraveling Asthma’s effect on Lung Function Through 3D Art  

Embark on a journey into the intricate world of the respiratory system as I delve into Unit 12’s Learning Objective, aiming to analyze the effects of disease on the function and structure of the respiratory system. In this STEAM project, I focus on respiratory diseases, particularly asthma, seeking to visually …

The Digestive Game!

My STEAM Project is a board game that aims to teach the players the order of organ function and path of food during digestion through game play cards and information written on the board. The board itself has different sections (mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus) which have …

The Hypoxic Drive

My STEAM project is on the hypoxic drive. In healthy people with no respiratory issues, our normal respiratory drive is based off of Carbon-Dioxide (CO2) levels in the body. If we have too much CO2 in the body then we’ll adjust our ventilations to off-load the excess CO2. In people …

Diastasis Rectus Abdominis – Mackenzie Hawkins

For this STEAM project, I chose to research Diastasis Recti Abdominis and possible therapeutic solutions. The course objective I have explored through this project is to “Explain common disorders during pregnancy and their cause.” My inspiration for this project came from my mom’s experience with pregnancy and delivery of my …

Sickle Cell

I did my project on Sickle Cells. I used two cakes to demonstrate the difference between the two types of cells. The one on the left is a healthy RBC shown by it being a full circle and has a hemoglobin-rich cytoplasm and an indent in the middle. The one …

Tapeworms in the Digestive System

Isabella GuyDon LarsonHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyApril 18, 2024 Tapeworms in the Digestive System For my STEAM project, I researched tapeworms and how they affect the digestive system. I tied the topic of tapeworms to some of the course objectives related to the digestive system, specifically, the course objective relating to …