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  1. Char’s STEAM project demonstrates within her essay the objective of describing the integumentary system tissues and functions while in her art project shows healthy skin and the physiology of psoriasis.
    There are three layers of skin: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The epidermis, which is the outer most layer of skin is made up of four to five layers of stratified squamous epithelial cells. The dermis, which is the middle layer, contains the blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves, sweat glands, and other structures. The dermis is composed of two layers mix of elastin and collagen fibers. The most inner (base) layer is the hypodermis. This layer is highly vascularized loose areolar connective tissue and adipose tissue that connects to the fascia of the bones to muscle. This layer serves as insulation for the skin. Healthy functioning skin will effectively protect the body.
    Psoriasis is an example of how skin signals an underlying health issue. Psoriasis can be triggered by environmental factors, infection, or medications. While scientists still don’t know what causes this disease, its believed psoriasis has immune and genetic implications that affect normal function of the integumentary system leading to an autoimmune response of the skin. There have been some recent advancements in understanding this disease, which links psoriasis to a genetic predisposition.

    Amy Galeano

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