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  1. Abstract

    This essay looks at Paget disease, how it is developed, and how it is regulated hormonally in the body. Paget disease is a result of irregular osteoclast function, that causes bones to be built mechanically weaker than a healthy bone would be built. Issues in building bones happen during bone turnover, as bone is broken down and replaced, it is built back weaker than before. Paget disease is typically hereditary, and inherited by your parents, it is most common in the United kingdom where it originated, affecting roughly 12% of people over the age of 55. Aside from weaker bones, paget disease also causes significant pain to those affected. Fractures as a result of the disease are most common in the femur, however paget disease can effect bones all over the body, from the skull to the pelvis to the spine. The most common visual symptom of paget disease is bowing of the femur, whereas a healthy femur is straight, a femur with paget disease bows outward laterally. To demonstrate the way bones form in the human body as a result of paget disease, fondant was used on top of a cake to show a side by side comparison of a healthy femur and an affected femur.

    Lucas Smith

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